N.G.E.X. How did your Thaksgiving go? I thought of you all day, wondering how you were doing? We had a 24 pound turkey, and it was almost all eaten. This year it was special, cuz my 84 year old Dad came down. He hasn't been down to visit since before my MaMa died, almost thee years ago. We had faimly coming in and out all day, coming to visit him.
We had kids every where!!! I had to confinscate a football out of my Daughters first home made pumkin pie. We all said at once devil missed it, God kissed it, please don't let me die. And we ate it any way. HaHa.
My Daughter taught me how to listen to music while I play on the computer.I like it very much. She took off her hard rock and kept the easy listening stuff on. I like mostly country, but I like CCR and The Eagles too. She gave me her old computer. For a long time all I did was play solitar and I'm writing a book about my Dads life. She hooked me up to the inter net, and thats how I found this site. I first came on for my Crohn's, but I switched over to depression and I found you girls. I don't go out much, cuz the Crohn's keeps me pretty weak. So now I made two new friends to keep me company. I am greatful for you two. Well I guess I better go back to bed, cuz I have my Grandsons today. No school today. I'll come back on tonight.