Thanks for the update.
It sounds quite difficult, but it looks like you are making the better choice of 2 rough problems.
You say, "my kids are 3 and 4 years old and still adore him."
Which makes it even more difficult.
When our child was 3, my marriage disappeared. I stayed because, our child was 3, as a bipolar I wasn't good with job, and had no money, and we were buying a house which I didn't want to see divided up into cash, which would soon be spent and leave nothing for us and nothing to be handed down to our child.
Also, I rem. saying to myself, "I haven't done anything wrong, why should I be the one who leaves?"
So, I stuck out a 36 year bad marriage, had the requisite chest pains for decades, had the child now at 40 still taking his mother's side in the debate, and sabatoging me since his mother died of a long illness 7 years ago.
I finally caught him trying to destroy me, yeah, just like his mom, about
3 months ago, and have cut ties with him at that point.
With the house not on the line, with enough money to make it on my own as a senior citizen, who says I don't have what it takes to finally stand up for myself?
I finally did it. I am...the man! Whoa, I thought I no longer had what it takes, that I had lost my gumption. I have not. It was just that with my wife, there was too much going against me,
It was batton down the hatches time with my wife. Also, I didn't want to leave my 3 year old child. I thought, I don't mind leaving her, but I don't want to leave my child and my house, and go to a, then, $500 a month apartment, which I can't afford.
I really had no choice. Also, I didn't like the idea of custody. Of, I get the kid on weekends, she gets the kids during the weak, he never has the same house, I have no one helping keep the kid when he comes over to my place.
On weekends, I could no longer just be with him while we play games in his room, or in the living room, or in the backyard, or we ride bikes in the neighborhood. No, he just has to come over to my place and sit.
Also, I liked the idea of my playing games with him in the living room, while his mom fixed lunch or made
cookies in the kitchen. I just loved that.
So, I didn't do anything, I just it out. Plus, she was the breadwinner, 75% I'll say. I wanted to stay close to that. Plus, I didn't do anything wrong.
It wasn't ideal, that's true, but the other way was worse.
But since you can make a salary and have a choice, that's probably a lot different. You know what's going on over there.
You also say,
"they don't get it. they only know that they'd rather be with me than dad at all times."
That's also probably another reason I didn't want to leave, I didn't want our child taken away from his mother on weekends.
Are you going to be able to get any help if you leave?
Post Edited (Tim Tam) : 4/8/2017 1:18:44 PM (GMT-6)