HI everyone, its great to see everyone back writing again! We've been down some different avenues since the last posts I wrote. I still check the forum everyday and read everyones posts.
My daughter is no longer taking the wellbutrin, the pdoc felt that her irritabilty may be coming from that. They put her on Tomopax, a mood stabilzer, I read about this med previous to going, snickersmom, its also used in conjection to zoloft to help the weight gain part, its suppose to help supress the craving and your appitite, the starchy sugar cravings that zoloft creates.
this medication like all has some side effects that I'm really not excited about!
Now I want to share a new avenue that I want to explore for my daughter. I really hate these meds and the side effects I see and the withdrawl symptoms! Like everyone else! I am looking into Quantum pysics, give it a shot look up the word and put helping depression. I'm also looking into the candida (yeast infection) that contributes to depression and taking natural herbs and stuff for 6 months to get rid of the fungus growth. Souonds crazy I know but sometimes what the meds do is drive my daughter crazy!!!
Also look up Carprylic acid and depression with it! Interesting info, even thow your off zoloft this info may help you feel even better!!
Weight loss is neel to none here, eating normal with little working out, but hopefully that will get better! At least all those craving are no longer their!!! I did read that men do lose faster then women, lucky!!!! Don't give up it will happen, you've all come this far being med free because your fighters and you can do it!! As I've posted many times before, I really wish my daughter could be med free, I will keep searching in hopes to find the answers we need to get their!
Stay strong and remember your inner beauty, your all beautiful people!!!!!