Greetings all, this is my first post at Healing I have fought depression for eight years, moving to disability two months ago. I was on effexor and ambien for eight years, and over the past few months have tried many others. Was recently hospitalized for two weeks in a "Behavioral hospital", as my depression has become more and more severe. Now on lexapro and wellbutrin without any positive effect. I am exhausted and constantly on the edge of emotional breakdown. It has been an extreme strain on my family.
I've had 10 ECT treatments. The immediate effect (a few hours) seems postive, but then drops back to severe depression. However, I will say that I have been in contact with many people who have had positive effects from ECT, and would encourage those contemplating such to get a basic check-up from you family physician, then try the treatments if prescribed. Convulsions are induced but you are under anesthesia. I wondered somewhat at the assembly line nature but I feel that the treatments are often worth the effort, based on my sampling of communication with those under similar cirumstances.
Keep up the hope!!!!!!