Hi Shy, I am so sorry that your going through this all now...I know it is the very last thing you need. I dont know what kind of words or advice to give to you except that maybe you and your bf need to take a night out to dinner one night and just discuss these issues. You and him are going to have to come up with a clear cut plan of what you are going to do and what you can manage financially for the time being. If you and he work together and keep your lines of communication
open I am sure you will come out of this with a stronger relationship. But you will have to point out to him how his behavior, stresses, and that of his dad is effecting you. Also, I am sure he sees how this situation has effected you and that has added to his stress level, so talking about
it away from the house would perhaps be helpful.
I am sorry your family isnt being supportive during this time. That isnt any way for loved one's to act or behave and it isnt right or excusable by any means. I would hope that your brother would understand that given the circumstances that you have just went through and with having to move and buy new cars that you just wouldnt be able to afford to go to Las Vegas for his wedding...and that no matter how much money your bf has or his family has it isnt their responsiblity to pay for these things all the time (your brother has no right to expect this). Usually, if someone is getting married and they choose to do it in another state or they live in another state it is correct etiquette for the couple getting married to either provide transportation and or accommodations to close family/friends while there. Regardless, maybe things will look a little better in a month or two and you will be able to go but if you cant your brother needs to understand and except that.
I get those feelings of things are so overwhelming that I just cant handle it anymore and I need to run. You know I have been feeling like that now lately which is why I havent really posted too much here. Sometimes you just run out of things to give and your left with nothing...or it just seems that way, I dont know? But I do know that running goes no where, there is no where to go, and it all follows you. Your strong and your a fighter you may not always feel it but it is there....hold on to that.