i'm a child of the 1960s and can only hope that you are familiar with this song. it was popular during my era. the name of the song is "american pie." there is a line in that song which i believe is very appropriate to your situation: "they can't even run their own lives, what makes them think they can run mine?"
you might not be protesting the war in viet nam or singing an odd to bill holly, but you are living in a war zone and you are a combatent. protect yourself, no matter what, there are no boundaries in this situation; there is only survival.
my mother was fond of sticking her nose into my business when i was in high school and when i was college, married to my first wife. once i called her on it and told her that she either butt oiut of my busines or she wouldn't be welcome in my home. she managed to hold her tongue afer that - with a few lapses and a few backslidings. but it worked. she's been dead for about a year and i don't regret what i did one little bit. i protected myself and my family, which was my job.
hopefully you won't have to be as confrontive.
i wish you the gift of finding the right word at the right tikme delivered in the proper language and tone.
god bless you.