Hi , Acutally let me be frank here Im still on 10mg of elavil at night and my reg. doc wants to try cymbalta along with it to maybe help pain and depression because obviously the little elavil Im on does nothing for depression which I know So I have not started the cymbalta yet Im awaiting my ins. to approve it (long story) then I can but should be by the end of this week. I just get so frightened with cymbalta Iv read so many "horror" stories but I know NOT to believe everything I read, and just bite the bullet and go for it,
Iv been on elavil for 2 months now just sooooo groggy in the am . Doc said too this would wear off and I do have to take lomotil for ibs/gallbladder being removed. Im on other meds too for other health probs such as thyroid / lupus in some ways I like the elavil gosh I get a GREAT sleep! Sorry to go on and on here but this board seems so knowledgeable and helpful helps me. I will say I FINALLY after 7 yrs . of diagnosis thyroid/lupus I admitted I was not only in pain alot and did not want to do pain killers but I was depressed and you know your brain does get "sick" as the rest of your body so that helped me just in itself. So anyways Im on the 'fence" here my doc is very supportive and will do anything to help me so that helps.
Tx Jonny btw Im female and in lovely menopause NOT!!!