i'm so terablly sorry that you feel ignored. i know how soul destroying that can be. like dialing 911 and getting put on hold.
this is just a personal thing, so don't generalize from my responce to your post. from my experience and research, each person reacts to medications differently. i take morphine for breakthrough pack pain. that same morphine that simply makes the pain tollerable for me very likely would have you in the hospital with hallucionations and pulminary failure.
all medications are poisons to the system which, over time, men have obseerved to have beneficial side effects. Then thered is also the problem of familiarity. asperine has been used for over 100 years, so we don't think about taking it. by the same token, what they DON'T tell you is that each person reacts to asperine uniquely.
let's look at asperine. people take asperine for "getting rid of" a headache. it also lowers blood pressure, thins the blood, and lowers body temperature. when given to a child, it can cause rhy's syndrome, which is potentially fatal. if it were to go through the fda approval process today, it would undoubtedly be by rx only. yet people all over the world take this drug like there's nothing to it.
sorry to go on about this. it is one of my (many) hobbyhorses. oh, yes, don't worry about age. i will be 62 in january.