I am only 16 and I started feeling this way a few years ago. I knew what it was after it persisted for so long and got worse. I always felt/feel different froms others around me. I am alot different than those my own age. I think about
everything. I percieve things so differently than most. I think about
everything in every aspect. I think its strange, but I have actually realized maybe its a gift. I think about
things and see things others don't see or thing. I spend most of my time by myself. I dont go to parties or hang out with friends like most 16 year olds. Education is one of the most important things to me. I realize that. But, I like being by myself. Alone and quiet. Its weird because I hate my mind always racing, but I like to be alone so that I can think about
the world. Its strange. My counselor says that she thinks it could also be a sign of intelligence (as I am quite smart). Maybe she's right. I am smart, but maybe I underestimate how smart I really am. Maybe I do have the gift to see the world differently. I don't know. But, I realized I was depressed about
9 months ago. After feeling this way a long time. But, I refused to believe it until it got really bad so...