Hello Dark,
I am so glad your long trek accross country is now behind you. It is natural to feel apprehensive in a new setting and change is hard but you made the journey. You have the desire to get well and we are all here to support you.
I am sorry for your ex but she will work out her own problems. Remember they are her problems, you do not own her problems.
I am sure you are tired so let your body rest and heal. Your mind needs to heal too. You are well on your way to healing. You will have up days and down days but just keep taking baby steps forward and you will make progress.
Any chance you can link up with a therapist where you are now located?
Loved the chicken story. I used to have a friend that kept a pet chicken in her downstairs bathroom...............she also had a pet goat that lived in the house and wore baby Pampers...............Honest.
Remember to be kind to yourself and keep posting, we care.
Gentle Hugs