Quite a few years ago, I had to seperate myself from my family to start healing. It was hard, but I had to do that for my own health. The stress that was there was starting to affect me physically. My immune system went whacko and I ended up with thype II diabetes.
Later in life it was my marraige, don't get me wrong, I loved my husband at that time. He ended up dieing of lung cancer. Then I started a new life and tried to open a business. I ended up with fibromyalgia sneaking up on me. That was totally like the last straw. But I am happy to say I am doing better now. I go very slow, one day at a time,(which I needed to do any way) and things are finally starting to fall in place for me.
So you are right, the environment plays a huge part with depression. And I still have those feelings that want to undermine my happiness, but a lot less. I think it takes time to be able to trust again. It is so complex.
Thanks for the reply,