Hi Faithful,
I know that it seems so hard right now, but these things come and go. I suggest you fix your car if you have the money to. If you are trading it, it will give it much more value. If it something that isn't noticable you may be able to get around it , but you probably wouldn't feel too good about doing that. You are too honest of a person.
I am here to talk, I hope that this helps you some.
You have always been a person of strong faith. You know that it is so important when things are hard for you to keep that faith. Miracles happen everyday. This could just be a bump in the road and you will get past it.
You have been so helpful to others on this forum and I think it is time we help you back. You are a rock. You are strong. You have the Lord on your side. I know that you will make it through this. You can do this. Just take it as it comes, one minute at a time. You will be okay.
You are in my thoughts and in my prayers, so there is a little help here from the cold part of the country. I am sure others will be praying for you. You are a wonderful person. This is just a learning experience down the road of life. I am sure something positive will come out of this negative. Just keep pushing.
Luv and hugs,