hey first off i want to say that i hope everyone here is doing ok. Ihaven't read any posts just yet, but I wanted to let you all know that on top of being bi polar i have an issue with pms. a week and a half ago I stopped the zyprexa. so a few days later i start crying and feeling a bit suicidal and go to the hospital for evaluation. I stayed overnight while they looked for a bed at a different hospital than the ones I had previously been in. I woke the next morning and felt amazingly better. I left the hospital after signing all these safety contracts and today I go for my partial program. I hope it works. I also will be seeing my gyno for a birth control that will help these crazy irrational pms issues I have.
Ladies please, if you think you have an issue with pms PLEASE go seek help for it. It nearly got me hospitalized again and I know I dont want to be back in there again.
I feel fine now, I found a horse to work with, he's gorgeous!!!! So i will begin my own therapy that way.
I hope you are all doing ok. I missed this board.