Hi Confused,
Yes I think you did the right thing. And I am sure that it must of been a relief after you told them. And they probably respect you more for telling them the truth. Yes your mom got upset, but she did get over it. She is probably not even mad anymore. So I am glad that you did what you did. Just for your own peace of mind.
I can understand your conflict, but I think that the more that you do what you feel is right, the stronger you will be.
If you stop and think about it. I am sure that you are going to succeed when you go back to graduate school. But what if you did fail? Would it be the end of the world? NO... You will have tried at something that few people even try to do. And that is what counts. That you have tried your best. Yes, it is wonderful to succeed. But if you don't try at all, you would never have known what it was like. So you are experiencing something that few people ever experience. That is waht matters. That you try. You might even change your mind about what you want to be. Who knows? But atleast you gave it your best, and that is what it is all about. If you tell yourself "I am trying, and I am doing the best that I can do" you can't fail. But if you tell yourself,"Oh no, what if I fail?" then you aren't getting the experience of trying. Can you see what I am trying to say. All you have to do in this life is know that you did your best at whatever you try to do. So it is all in how you look at it. What your mom says doesn't make any sense. She says that you will have to tell them you failed twice. NO...You will have to tell them that you tried twice the best way that you knew how. Take what she says negative and turn it into a positive. Then there is no way that you can fail. And it isn't what she thinks, it is what you feel in your own heart. You are a wonderful person Confused, and please don't ever forget that. You are trying...That is all that matters. In your eyes and in God's eyes, you will succeed.
Luv and hugs, Karen