Im a little confused and a little excited about
my new medication. I have been feeling a lot of anxiety lately. Nothing severe just sweating and my stomach being upset mainly. So my Psychiatrist put me on 10mg of Lexapro. I dont know too much about
the medication. Im excited to get relief and feel calm for once in my life but at the same time scaried it wont work or I will have bad side effects and have to get off. So If anyone knows anything about
Lexapro I would be so grateful if you could tell me about
it. I feel i get stressed out too easily and I worry way too much and it cause me to get anxiety and sometimes to the point I just cry to let it out which causes me to get depressed and not able to sleep. I have been reading up on my conditions so i can understand them and hopefully get better sooner by understanding them and the symptoms and well know what to do to handle the symptoms. I am still on lunesta and that is working great. So thanks for listening to me ramble. Im continueing seeing my therapist and psychiatrist to get better.