Hi Mallen,
Welcome to HealingWell. I was using Vicodin for pain several years ago and wanted to get off of the pain med as I felt I was becoming to dependent on the medication and did a very slow wean under the supervision of my physician.
My Pdoc, started me on the very same meds that you are on, the Cymbalta and the Trazodone. I really like the Trazodone for sleep.................
I did not feel I had a severe opiate addiction but I could see that I could easily have become addicted to the Vicodin and I did not like the feeling of being addicted. It was very hard to come off the med and emotionally hard to give up the pain med for a NSAID but I did it.
I do agree a specialist may be your best choice. Your meds however appear wise.
Keep talking to us. We are a great support system.