Oh! You might also be struggling because you're overwhelmed by how much needs to be done.
You might find it helpful to redefine your goals for the time being, and not think about
getting the house clean. Sometimes the best we can do is not let things get much worse.
When I am at my worst, I sometimes set myself the small goal of putting away a couple of things whenever I get up to use the toilet or make a cup of tea. Don't even set yourself a target: if you can only put away one thing, that's fine; if you can do ten, that's fine too. I'm always surprised how those small acts of tidying mount up over a day, and usually things look a lot tidier by evening.
You can do the same thing with cleaning: if you get up to use the toilet, you might be able to take an extra two minutes to clean the bathroom sink before you go back to bed... then next time, you might be able to quickly sweep a floor or dust a shelf or put on a load of washing or whatever. Once again, you really will be surprised at what a difference this makes.
Remember, the trick is not to let these random little acts of cleaning and tidying become a chore, or become mandatory. If you do that, you'll become overwhelmed and then stop. Just do as much as you feel you can, and be patient and gentle with yourself.
Remember, the mess is not a reflection on you; it's a perfectly understandable indication of how sick you've been. You're still convalescing, and I think you're allowed to keep being gentle on yourself while you heal