Hey sweetie,
HNational Suicide Hotline
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
This is a combined network of the Amerian Association of Suicidology, the National Hopeline Network, CONTACT USA, and many other organizations. Call are automatically routed to the nearest crisis center to the phone from which the call for help is placed.
Helpful Web Sites:
Suicide Hotlines (listed by state)
Suicidal.com (includes Suicide Crisis Center and Depression and Suicide)
SuicidalTeens.com<!-- Edit -->
H ere are some resources that you might be interested in.
I know that things seem grim right now. But try to realize that dwelling on things is what is putting you in a funk. You have to learn to take each day one day at a time. Dwelling only stops you from focusing on the present. Living in the present is the best.
I had a habit on dwelling on things. The doctor gave me abilify for that. It is a mood stabilizer and it really helps. It stops my obsessive thinking. You might want to talk to your doctor about something like that. I was more of a worrier though. Worried about eveything. Then I realized that I could enjoy life instead of worrying. Kind of like cross that bridge when I get to it kind of thing. You don't have to worry and you don't have to dwell on things. Let your mind think of other things. Things that are in the present, what is going on around you. Write the worry or the thing that you are dwelling on down on a piece of paper. Then put it in a safe place where you know that you will be able to find it when you need it. Then focus on the now.
I hope that this post helps you some. Please take care. Get some self help books, here are a couple of sites you might want to check out.
Take care, keep posting..
Hugs, Karen