Hey ipodearbuds, I think I may have a few things that could help. Firstly I know what it is like to have bouts of depression (usually for me its more like sporadic bouts of happiness in the depression) and I know what it can do to your personal point of view on basically everything and everyone. I have been going through a bit of a time here recently and havnt posted on the site recently until tonight...I didnt because I felt like it didn't matter, like what I said wouldn't help, or even to the point where I felt like I didn't care. All I could suggest for that is to try to pinpoint the source or catalyst of the periods of depression, once that is found you will be able to notice it happening and possibly work against it. Even without finding the source of it all, you can consciously begin to train yourself so that you notice when you are spiraling downward...even in the midst of the sadness it is possible to notice that the feeling might not be as necessary as you are thinking, and begin to talk yourself down.
Also as far as being noticed or appreciated by the people around you, that I deal with daily. I very much dislike to tell people of my accomplishments in a manner that would suggest I am looking to them for approval. I know that it is kind of a problem of mine, but it is how I am, and I would rather not be noticed and even thought to be lazy/doing nothing than to launch an attempt to coddle them and frustrate myself trying to convincing them of my worth or what I have been doing. That part of me gets me into many problematic situations like what you are describing(except mine are of my own making*shrugs*). I do hope that you don't have the same inability that I do, because most of the time people are just generally inattentive....to everything. So if you are not making what you are doing clearly apparent, and they seem to be wanting to notice or see you doing whatever it is that they are expecting, it might be a decent idea to just tactfully explain to them exactly what it is that you HAVE done and just preempt any lack of understanding on their part.
I don't think you are delusional at all ipodearbuds, it is just a fact of some people that they need things spelled out for them a little...explained straight so that it is not easily misunderstood by them or they get confused. It doesn't make them bad people in any way, it just might seem that way at times when they are caught up in their ignorance pertaining to you and what they are expecting of you. I think the biggest benefit to that situation would be to have a little more understanding, have patience, little more patience, and when you are finally about
to give up...a bit more patience :). Hang in there and give them a chance, give yourself a chance to help them understand you a little better. I think you will do alright.
Post Edited (-Misunderstood-) : 6/25/2010 6:14:28 AM (GMT-6)