Depression is biological, they say. But I think even more important than the biological part is the fact that we aren't being spiritually filled enough. Because most of us live in a selfish society, with undernourishment, and we really are just trying to live day-to-day between our busy schedules. So we don't have ANY time to consider others' feelings.
I actually agree that not thinking about your depression helps. Obviously, once an episode comes on, it's hard NOT to think about it, but instead of keeping it to ourselves, we should be out in the community, helping the poor and people that are less fortunate than us. Just a simple "thank-you" at the store, or at school, or anywhere, can be fulfilling.
And no, I'm not saying depressed people are selfish. Believe me, I've been there. But I am saying that everyone in our society is selfish, because we're born into it, and we don't know anything different. But we can change that, one person at a time. On hard days, it may feel like you can't even get the energy to get out of bed, but I have a feeling that if we all really, really tried, we could start taking our first steps towards helping our depression NATURALLY.
Also, no one can run away from their depression. But we have to accept that depression IS PART OF WHO WE ARE, and if people judge us because of it, too bad, they are just undereducated and cannot see past their own lives. And spiritual fulfillment can definitely help, if not cure, our depression; it can do it without wiping our minds clean, taking extreme forms of medication, and even without other people.