I would work on one thing at a time. The one that is bothering you the most. Which is probably the weight. I have been smoke free for three days now, well, this is my third day. It isn't easy, but my husband is quitting too so that helps. Start walking, but do it slow. Don't carry your cigarettes when you go. Little tricks like that can help you to smoke less and that is good. But I think quitting smoking and losing weight at the same time is a huge demand on you and will most likely cause you to fail. So attack one problem at a time.
You can't blame your husband. When he lights that cigarette and hands it to you, put it out. Let him know that you are trying to cut down.
ARe you seeing a counselor? I am sure that you would be eligable for help with social services for mental health. See a counselor and get some support. It is hard to do this alone. You need support. You will get that here too. But professional support would really help you to feel you are not alone.
Keep posting and let us know how you are doing. KNow that we all care about you.
Keep trying, never quit quitting. Exercise, (such as walking), eating right, drink alot of water. Love yourself. These are all good things.
Hugs, Karen