Cheia said...
I am trying to overcome the effects of memory loss and thinking skills after about 2.5 years on Effexor. I don't remember my phone # if asked unexpectedly. I have to be super prepared for any social encounter, and I don't "get the drift" when a new subject/topic is introduced. I now have trained myself NOT to participate in conversations until I can go home and think it all through first. The good news is I didn't kill myself because of depression.
This is exactly how I felt on Paxil. Have never taken Effexor. I took Paxil for several years. In the end it totally flattened me out - I felt nothing. I now take Lexapro and I feel it has changed my life. I dream (for some unknown reason) of being medication-free, but when I try to get off, I feel immediately depresses and whitdrawn, so it is not worth it to me.
Good luck with the Effexor - it works beautifully for many folks. LEAANN