I don't even know where to begin or if I'm at the right place.
I'm going through a divorce. I have been the worst wife on the planet. I've had
3 affairs. The last of which was with someone who is 17! I've been called every
trashy name in the book and since the last affair I can now add sexual predator
and child molester to the list.
I'm not, I swear I'm not!
My husband has now moved out with no notice, uprooted my kids from their home,
cleaned out my house, limited my time with them, and even now he's "supervising"
my time with them. He says I can't be trusted alone with them. I would NEVER
touch my kids. I've been molested and raped. I could never do that to another
I don't even know where to go or what to do anymore. I've bent over backwards
to my husbands demands. Didn't say anything when he cleaned my house out.
Abided by his rules for seeing my kids. Ended the relationship I was having. Even
gone as far as to confess my sin to him even though I knew very well that
doing so could cost me custody of my kids.
The last 2 weeks since they moved out have been heart breaking, eye opening,
exhausting, and yet in many ways intreging. I've found I have more time for
God then ever in my life. I cheerish every second I'm allowed near my kids. I've
found out I have far fewer REAL friends then I thought. Bored and lonely have
completely new meanings.