I am sort of a position in which I do not want to be in. I am afraid it will come down to making a very tough decision that I cannot make. Since the first of September, when I go into town, I stay at my bosses house. It started out because I had to have surgery (they removed 3 bones from my left wrist which had been broken). The bedroom I was using has a queen size bed and I had to keep my hand propped up. My bed at my dads is my old twin bed. I still need to keep it propped up at night as it helps cut down on the pain during the day. My sister lives with my dad and we get along when we are not around each other much. I proposed to my boss, that if I could stay at their place during the weekends and if I had to come in during the week, I would help take care of her 97 y/o mom who lives with them. She is pretty alert
and mainly the greatest help she needs is going to the bathroom. I have grown very attached to her and vice versa. I call her grandma. I really enjoy taking care of her. It helps with my depression. Here is where the problem comes in. Alot of times when my best friend wants to go and do something, either I can't or I can't spend as much time out and about
if I am in town. This does not bother me, in fact it is helping me save money. Well yesterday I was talking to her as I was being accused of doing something at their house (feeding their dog who is already overweight), which I do not do at all. It is my bosses husband who is saying this. He is also my boss. Well my friend told me that my hand was healed enough that I no longer needed to stay over at my bosses house anymore. What I am afraid of is that it could come to deciding on keep on doing what I am doing, which makes me happy and I want to do, or tell my bosses I can no longer help them and stay over there, in order to keep my friends. This is eating me up inside I have a very tough time making decisions as it is and this is one decision I made...the offer to help take care of grandma. Now everyone it seems wants to tell me what to do. I know if I quit staying at my bosses house and helping out, I am going to be misreable, yet if I chose to stay and be happy, I may lose my friends. My friend was all for it at first. But maybe she thinks I should not stay and help with grandma and quit becasue she insists my hand if fine, even though the dr. says it could take up to a year.
Chelsi, I gave your thread a title... Karen...
Post Edited By Moderator (getting by) : 11/22/2010 2:57:34 PM (GMT-7)