I usually post in the Chronic Pain Forum as well, but came here since the lack of pain control is really kicking my depression up several notches, and I thought I might try a different perpective. We have very similar back problems, although my doctors barely let me keep the lowest of hydrocodone prescriptions(#30 5/500s every 10 days) along with some Ultram. You are lucky that you actually are prescribed stronger medication, even if you have developed a tolerance. I have as well, but there's no change in Hades that my pain meds will be strengthed or increased.
I hit the wall last week as my shrink went out of town and it took a WEEK to get my depression/anxiety meds refilled by the fill-in doctor. Not a good situation. I'm on Disability, and half of my psych meds and my migraine meds aren't even covered by my prescription plan. The cost is astronomical, so I'm having to depend on getting samples when I can get them, or trying to get them from the drug manufacturers once I hit the "donut hole" in my coverage.
What I take that usually does a pretty good job of handling the depression is a new medication called SYMBYAX, along with some Klonopin for anxiety. That might be a combination you might look into trying. My having gone without them pretty much cold turkey for a week has really fouled me up, and never should have happened.
Basically, I'm sick and tired of being of being sick and tired. My migraines are brought on by changes in weather, and here in Central Virginia, the weather is like a dern yo-yo, constantly back and forth. I'm a 46 year old divorced female, and frankly, I'm tired of living alone with three cats. I've been making the effort to get out there and make the social rounds, but I swear, people in this neck of the woods have never matured past high school. I try to keep busy with activities, but I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels. I have plenty of "friends", but none that actually involve me in their daily lives or keep in close contact with me. Heck, I live maybe a mile away from my parents, and they don't even bother to make sure I'm still breathing on a daily basis. The prospect of things just continuing to degenerate over time and having to deal with it all alone is almost more than I can bear.
Leigh Ann