I am so fed up with this world and they way that everyone acts now days, especially my generation. Its soooooo freaking cool now days to just go out and get drunk, use drugs, have sex and have babies and have it all aired on MTV. That is just sooo awesome and its just the new fab thing to do. I'M SICK OF IT!!!!! WHERE ARE THE PARENTS AT AND WHY DOESNT ANYONE CARE???? I want to know how these kids get away with all of this stuff and no one does a darn thing about
it? Colleges that have underage drinking and cops sitting right outside of the building, but yet they let it happen until someone gets shot!? Does that sound right to you? Parents that buy alcohol for their kids, that arn't even 21 yet, but I'm considered lame if I don't join in on the fun! And they wonder why people have anger or why people are depressed. Its bc they are hurt, they are human, they have feelings and they have been bullied by people who don't care!!!!!! This world NEEDS HELP and people need to
open their eyes and wake up!!!! But, they won't, everything is just going to keep getting worse! Sometimes, I do wish this world would just end bc I'm sick of how bad this world has gotten. It makes me sick to my stomach that where I live, the kids have to go out to drink just to have fun or even get high. I don't have one single neighbor here that I talk to bc I don't agree with their actions. I consider my boyfriend and alcoholic and I absolutly can not stand it. I jsut turned 20 on the 15th and he called me lame bc I wasn't drinking on my birthday. . .that hurt. . .but I'm supossed to take it as a joke . . .whatever!!! I'm just getting highly irritated with it all but there isn't anything I can do to prevent it!