I am in my 30's and really have very little experience with the relationship stuff in general but what I do know is that every relationship that I have been in I have completely sabotaged because I dislike myself very much. In fact there is an underlying feeling of disgust. I always wanted to be whatever he wanted to be and whenever I thought I couldn't make the grade I would push him away or there were even times when I drove them off by being too needy or clingy. I don't want to drag anyone else through my personal hatred. I want to be there and be good for the "future him" in a way I can't be now because of what's going on in my head.
I hate that Jerry Maguire line "You complete me." Its impossible no one can complete you. You have to be comfortable with yourself and accept your limitations. By the way those last lines aren't coming from me but the therapist that I have been working with for almost four years. I am hoping on some level that that will sink in to my thick skull someday because I so badly want to believe that.
I hope you don't think I am giving advice in the sense that "I know best" I am just telling you of my experiences. I am glad that you are in love and I think learning to be comfortable in your skin takes some time and perhaps you grow into that by working on that. Best of luck to you