I know we all have good days and bad days in life. The thing that they neglect to tell you is that you can have scared days that rob you of yourself and lead you into becoming someone you though only "other" people were.
Looking at my life from the outside things "appear" pretty good and relatively successful. However, the truth is that with the more successes I have the more scared and depressed I seem to get once the intial cool factor wears off. An example is in work, a past position I held had me work with a manager who was abusive to say the least and completely destroyed my confidence in myself and now, despite moving on to a new place, I find myself shaking anytime someone asks me a question or to work on something. I'm perfectly capable why in the hell am I terrified of doing things??
Another exmple is in relationships, I've become someone I never have been. Now I know relationships are not perfect but for some reason I find myself trying to make them that way either by forcing it or by denying who I really am and not wanting to admit ANY fault for fear of ruining things. There are times I feel it's pure ego and a waste of time to talk to people about, who wants to hear my ego is too big and that's whats messing things up. Although I'm sure it has some part to play I know that the truth is pure fear. I find myself lying over things that are no big deal at all and lying to those I love because I'm afraid if they heard the truth they would leave. This is me or this isn't the me I want to be and as these relationships tumble and these fears mount I withdraw myself more and more each day and I worry about whats going to happen next until I'm paralyzed with fear and doubt and sadenned by the people I hurt thorugh my issuses.
Not sure any of this makes sense or it's just babbling on to help myself but if anyone else gets this way ever let me know. Feels kinda lonely in this "life" I made for myself.