Hello .....
It's great to remember good things from the past .... not so great to remember the bad things though. And, of course, it's of no value to be living in the past!!!@!!!
By the time I was 6-years old, I had three different fathers! The middle one, so I'm told used to beat me .... and that was when I was 3 or 4-years old. My mind has blocked that person completely out of my life!
I have wondered whether it would release me from some unknown pressure to see a hypnotist .... and go back in time. What would it solve? Would it make my current life any more acceptable?
My Mother has told me that I was beaten - and she divorced him soon after the marriage. Was I molested? Who knows! Wouold it help me to know? I don't think so!
Moral .......... please try to stop thinking about the past and analyzing yourself. Everything is about now ... and the future! If you haven't already, it sounds like it's time to devote a couple of months with a psychologist or therapist - for guidance thru this.
Do it!
Rob & Gizzy