Hello .....
Wishing you and your husband at least 18-years (and probably more) of joy, work, worry, expenses and more joy! I have two daughters. They're worth it!
I have been on the generic of lexapro for about 5-months now ... and it has worked pretty well for me. My dosage size has always been 20mg once daily. My needs were to reduce my, at times, exploding emotions.
While my causes are so much different from yours - for needs, I have been on a hormone therapy for three years and chemo for two years. It did put me into a state of very high emotions at times. The generic lexapro has brought my emotional state back down to a very livable level.
While side effects can vary tremendously in many meds, I believe that lexapro or it's generic equal is less likely to have any major side effects. And, I think it is normal for there to be a light-headed feeling when first starting ... and that should pass.
Good luck to you both .... or the three of you!
Rob & Gizmo