Thanks friends! I'm feeling better already after the whole afternoon feeling so gross. The sun is shining and my hubby an I are going out to eat.
The nurse @ psych office called back and said the psychiatrist said the Wellbutrin needs 4 weeks. Said I should be noticing very small improvements now and I am.. I'm not crying everyday like I was.. So I guess that's a small thing
. They said to just keep my appt for the 15th and he didn't want to change anything right now. Changes or adjustments can be discussed the 15th.
Thank you again for the reminders. My anxiety wasn't horrible, it was the depressed/low mood feeling that really upset me. I also cancelled a hair appt today bc I didnt feel like going... Oops. I should have gone. I need it and and it didnt make me feel any better (maybe worse) for cancelling. Gah!!!!!
Hugs to all!