Oh Brenda. I love you friend. I've read that people got worse on the higher dose of Brintellix. I too got worse on a higher dose of Prozac back in the day.
Stay on the case manager. You need it! I wish I had one some days!
It is VERRRY unethical for the psych not to call you back when you are in crisi. I know that doesn't help your pain but when you are feeling better (& I promise just as the sun rises, you WILL get better), their office needs reported. It's unacceptable. I will help advocate for you when the time comes!
Girl, you got strength & I know you don't feel it but My God, when you get better & can soak it in, I'm going to remind you of surviving the roughest seas. You are riding the white caps girl & still floating! Be thankful for once for our extra pounds, they're bouyant! LOL
I know how isolating this feels & I kniw personally how sometimes I don't even want to talk when I'm at the lowest of lows but do not hesitate to call me EVER, anytime day or night.
You 'ain't in this alone girlfriend. We are going to carry you right to shore (or float belly up right beside you
) until you see the light.
Love you!