Angelic_Victory said...
Have you gone over the biopsy results with your gastro specialist? Were there strictures present?
I take omeprazole and flovent. I swallow the flovent and that is supposed to help keep my esophagus open. On average, I have 2 dilations a year. Have they sent you to an allergist? Most people with my issue have a related allergy. Their problem is greatly reduced with dietary changes.
Even without an allergy, I've been checked a couple times and done many elimination diets, I have made dietary changes. Beef and pork and certain veggies are more difficult to swallow so I have restricted them. Too much bread can be difficult. Lots of fluid when eating helps, too. I count how much I chew, too. Its all about making this as easy on my esophagus as possible.
If something's stuck in your esophagus it does need treatment. I give food between 3 - 4 hours to pass on its own, unless its causing lots of pain (that's the horrible stabbing chest pain). Medicines I only give a couple hours. Leaving something in there can cause more damage. Sometimes the er can give you a muscle relaxer that can help something clear on its own or they can induce vomiting depending on its location in your esophagus.
My advice is to sit your gastro Dr down and say you need a game plan. Discuss meds, what they want you to do if something is stuck, the quickest way to get in with them, and what tests are still necessary.
I wish I could take omperzole as I think that one worked the best for me but the side effects were awful so I had to stop. You are right do need to really sit down with my Doctor and get a real game plan in place. I felt so rushed at my last appointment. He really didn't go over anything as to what I should be doing, not doing, eating not eating I am finding everything else myself from online.
An allergist is a good idea Im going to talk to my dr about
it and set up an appointment maybe get food allergy testing done.
Thanks for all your help and taking time to respond to me I really appreciate it.