Hello everyone,
I'm new here... and I have a serious problem... It's kind of hard for me to admit... because I love saying that everything is FINE!
But I believe that's what my problem is saying everything is fine when it isn't... meaning... that I can be having the worst days and be going thru a complete mental breakdown... but still I smile and hide all of those emotions FROM EVERYONE... my best-friends, friends, relatives and others that care about me. It's soo hard for me to express my feelings anyway... so that makes things more difficult.
So with that... bottled negative emoitions and not being able to let it out in a positive way... I walk around with this attitude that is like... if you say something wrong to me I'll just explode...
The thing is I can get a lot of friends by my personality, but I loose them because of my attitude... and I want to know if there's anyone else that understands me, goes thru this, or knows anyone like this... I know it's a horrible problem... and I really don't know how to fix it... I'm really a good person just don't know how to express my feelings....
For example... if someone says something to me... like be mean to me or say something that offends me... I don't say anything about it... I keep it inside... I try not to say anything mean or disrespectful to them... but I've been doing this for soo long... it's like I can't do it anymore... I loose those close to me due to me being rude... I can catch attitudes quite quickly, and can't see that what I'm saying/doing is wrong... until it's too late! Like the person is already gone and thru with me... like they can't handle it ALL the time... and I can completely understand their position... because I couldn't handle talking to someone like me for a very long time... my mom always told me... "I don't know how you have friends with that attitude"... I don't know if anyone has any input on this.... ANYTHING... please let me know... I just need advice on how to better myself... because right now.. I don't know what to do... THANKS FOR READING!!! IT REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME!