Posted 8/31/2017 12:10 PM (GMT 0)
Myself, you're making me think, perhaps too much! Not being a teacher, there have been 'no new school years for me' for a much longer time! As I reflect on it, I realize I too miss the excitement. No new wardrobe, no new pens and pencils, etc. But...why not? Perhaps it's time I buy a few new clothing items. Perhaps I buy myself new pens and a notebook. Perhaps I get in touch with friends I haven't been in contact with for a while. It seems right to me, thanks to you.
My 'down this time of year' has a different cause. Change of season, dreading another winter. My 'battle plan' consists of planning my holiday displays and then implementing the plans, one after another. I'll be ordering mums soon to go along with my planted ones. I've started picking up little things for the Halloween decorating and mentally figuring out where the Christmas decorations will be this year.
Indoor gardening, of course, is my mainstay. I'll be bringing the houseplants in soon, at least overnight. (After the painting is done!) Planning for next year keeps me busy through winter, as well as feeding the birds that stay throughout the cold.
I guess, what I'm trying to say's time to give yourself something else good to associate this time of year with and not put it off. Looking forward to something is so important for my mental health. Hope is very powerful.