Hi all,
I have been on this site many times and have found it to be very informative.
I have suffered from anxiety and depression for a very long time and have been on almost every anti depressant on the market. I was recently hospitalized for two weeks but am having a real battle getting back to normal-if there is such a thing. My Psy scared me to death when he said he was running out of options. Not so sure that was the right thing to be telling me. I'm currently on Effexor, Lexapro, Remeron and Xanax for the anxiety. I am trying to get into an out patient hospitalization program as I am not where I want to be. All of this absolutely terrifies me. I am a 52 year old woman and am also going through the change of life=not helping matters any! I feel that I am not stable enought to go back to work but am losing my mind at home. I need to be around other people but am scaring myself and have lost all self confidence.
All of you seem to be such wonderful and caring people. I guess I just needed to hop on board and try to get some feed back. Believe me, any would be appreciated.
Thank you!