Hello all.
I've got something bugging me and I can't quite put my finger on it. Brief description,... I'm 24 male, back in college after an Associates degree and 3 years as a design engineer. I currently work 30 hours per week and take 18 credit hours, the problem being is my memory. I've always found it hard to remember dates birthdays, etc., phone numbers, road #'s, but it has gotten to the point that after 4 to 5 weeks of classes, sometimes I couldn't remember when the class started. I find myself taking too much time over trivial tasks that everybody else breezes through, aggravating me more. Lately, I've noticed that my temper is increasing although I am very easy-going, but with all the uncerntanies associated with life, work, and school I've found myself being quite mad over the simplest of matters. Also, when it comes to figuring out complex problems, it's like my mind doesn't work. Sometimes when people are talking at work and I'm working, I have no idea what they've said, almost to the point that it doesn't sink in!
Any ideas on what could cause lack of memory, although I've always been terrible at remembering!
Thanks for any help!