I am new here and have read lots of good advice already. Here is where I am at: I feel I have been depressed for most of my life, since about 16, but have had trouble having everyone taking me seriously. I'm 35 now, married with 3 kids and am nursing the youngest 2. I went into a postpartum depression after the 2nd and perinatal depression while pregnant with the third. I feel I have hormonal as well as more pervasive depression. about 6 months ago I went on Zoloft, starting at 50 mg, and am up to 150mg (this apparently is the best one to take while nursing). I have lots of questions. How do you know when you are on the right dose? I am still having lots of anxiety and panic attacks. Is there one time of day better than others to take it? Has anyone heard of having memory problems on this drug? There are still times when everything seems surreal and I have a huge knot in my stomach and my arms ache. There are times I just want to cry all the time and not get out of bed, but I have to take care of the kids, so I do. My Dr. doesn't take me all that seriously, but will perscribe if I ask him to. He just keeps recomending I take a vacation, go jogging, or go to a spa. It is frustrating. I am having a hard time finding another Dr as there is a shortage where I live and am lucky even to have a dr. During my last pregnancy I referred myself to the local mental health facility and have done some councelling, but again, it boils down to I need more time to myself. Again, I get frustrated because that is just not going to happen, then I feel hopeless, like there is no solution, or that I'm doing this to myself, and all I need is a better mental attitiude. My husband tries to be supportive, but doesn't know how.
Thanks for letting me get this out - that feels better already.