Posted 7/19/2006 7:21 AM (GMT 0)
I have been on zoloft 5 yrs did great till recently when a mountain of stress and worry piled up on me at once . I was on 200 mg zoloft and klonopin when needed for anx. Dr. just put me on cymbalta 20mg 1st week , today went up to 30 mg . down to 150 on zoloft for 2 weeks then to 100 mg zoloft then i am to call him in 4 weeks to see how i'm feeling and see what to do next. I've been on all meds but this and lexapro. I had great results with Effexor 12 yrs ago . took it for 4 yrs and thought i was cured so i came off it , i learned my first lesson then.I have been on depakote w/ zoloft during my pregnancy and did fine ,have a healthy 4 yr old son. Prozac made me aggitated and i gritted my teeth . I wanted to go back to Effexor but he said it would raise blood pressure more than the cymbalta and i have high bp. He chose Cymbalta and I have no time to play .single with 4 yr old starting pre-k aug 2nd . I'm the only child 40 yrs old , dad going through radiation for prostate cancer and my diabetic w/ polymyalgia rheumatica. I have no outside help so I want to on track fast . Seems anything stressful ,bad news, sudden change sets me off everytime. Has anyone gained weight on cymbalta? I lost with zoloft . I dont want to gain maybe lose 10 lbs . what about Lexapro ??????? Any info on this one . hope we all will find a cure one day . Thats my wish . good luck to all and hope to get some replys.