i don't want to go off half-cocked. freud said that sometines a cigar is just a cigar. did you in fact hurt YOURSELF by falling, getting electrocuted, etc? if so, you still have my sincerere good wishes for a safe and quick recovery.
on the other hand, if SOMEONE put you into the hospital, safe yourself and your children. possessions can always be replaced (or not - at my age i'm into getting rid of them) but your mind, body, and spirit ar4e much more precious.
did you call the police? what action, if any did they take? have you been in touch with a shelterr? sometimes they ae listed in the phone book, sometimes a minister can refer you. also, tomorrow is a work day, get a restraining order against this other person. it won't stop fists and kicks, but it will enable the legal system to do its thing (unfortunately, it isn't always very much).
rainey, i hurt for you. my daughter was in an abusive marriage for almost 5 yrs before she broke out. the scars aer healed over, but the scar tissue shown at times.
hope this helps.