Hi, have you seen anyone to be assessed for depression/anxiety? Are you taking any sort of medication for either of these? If not you really may want to consider this as it seems that you have alot on your schedule right now. I know trying to balance school and working is difficult and extremely stressful which can cause depression and if you already have depression make this even worse. Sleep difficulties are also a huge factor that are affected with this. So please do check into getting some help with this. Also, one thing that is going to be important is making time for just you. Even if it is just an hour a day where you can take a bath, take a walk, exercise, take up yoga (which is very good for the mind and body), or just sit quitely and read. You have to be able to unwind and rest your mind and let some of your stress just be set aside for awhile. I hope if you do try this that you find that it works. Be well...