Hi, I am visiting from the Lyme disease group but my main symptom is depression and anxiety. I was on Paxil 10 years then tried efxor which raised my BP so stopped went back on paxil then few months ago started Cymbalta which was to help with nerve pain as well, I am going thru a separation (alot to do with depression and just not able to deal with much for a while and just burnt of and flipped out) Too much to handle.
felt like world on my shoulders and out of control. Ex with drug issues, disrespectful, very coneiving stepson and step daughter with behavior issues mimicking her brother as she gets older.as dad counteracts disapline. Left house bills and took my daughter who also has lyme and is autistic and am retreating at my parents.
have been NON FUNCTIONING depressed. In bed most of time but function enough to care for daughter. My dr switched me to Symbyax today which I never heard of. I just saw online it is a antiphycotic (acombo of Zyprexa and prozac and is used to treat bipolar?? My Dr isnt a specialist in this field so I am leary to take it> Anyone else been prescibed this for
major depression and anxiety????? Thanks Nia