The last few days. especially today, my pain has been so bad that nothing helped. I took my meds earlier than I was supposed to. I used pain creams, a heating pad, everything I could think of. I cried all day long. I have been on Cymbalta for a few months as I said in another post. My depression has just worsened. I ran out Friday and I meant to call the Dr. but I didn't due to problems at home, so today the tears just would not stop. I did not know you could dry that much. I finally got off the couch and called the Dr, and she said they could work me in at 4:15. So I went and told the Dr. everything. I told him my pain was so bad there was no relief. I told him I was so depressed I could not stop crying. I told him my DH has Alzhiemers and that he expects me to stay home with him 24/7 and about
the fights we have been having.
See, my Dh watches tv 16 hours a day and sleeps 8 hours. Same routine every day. He expects me to make his coffee, bring it to him, cokk his meals, bring them to him, pick up his dishes and take to the kitchen. The only thing I don't do for him is pee for him. He knows I'm in pain, but it's all about him.He has no physical pain, no arthritis, no injuries. He has copd and Alzheimers. My body is probably is probably 20 years older than his altho he is 70 and I'm 60.
He is always badmouthing my DS and DGC behind their back, but to my sons face he eats him up. He calls him a user because my son wants me to pick up the kids occasionally. He gripes about the gas I use to pick them up. When they are here, he watches everything they eat or drink and says they waste. He blames me because his grandkids don't come much. He is jealous of mine. All the fights we ever have are over the way he treats my son and grandkids. He thinks his 3 kids can do no wrong. Sure my son is here more then his are. His kids go to their mothers a lot more than they come here. That is normal. But I can't convince him of that.
Meanwhile, I think I am having a nervous breakdown. I can't leave him because of the disease he has. I will take care of him.
My doc wants to send me to a Phsychiatrist. He changed my anti to Lexapro. Has anyone taken this and what were the results?
If I don't do something, I will die, I thi nk.`