Mip, you've touched on the very subject (one of many, actually) that seems to drive us crazy. What is
normal? Even diabetes associations, doctors and labs can't agree on what is
Normal blood glucose numbers and the parameters that we're supposed to stay within have even changed throughout the years, so it's frustrating to look for definitive answers. People who are diagnosed as diabetics today might not have been considered diabetics years ago, as these parameters have been lowered in
some offices. In any case, trying to keep your 2-hour number after a meal ("postprandial") under 120 would be a good goal, in my opinion. Some literature (new or old) mentions readings of 140, 145 or keeping under 160 after meals - I believe these are too high on a regular basis and will eventually have harmful effects on the body, according to what I've read in some books. A book on diabetes by Dr. Richard Bernstein says that a "normal" person's blood sugar rarely is higher than the 80's. But, let's say, you attend a wedding and go ahead and eat the whole meal (with rolls) and cake, have a mixed drink or two (containing sugar), then you'll have a much higher number 2 hours later than you want. However, you don't eat like everyday, so an occasional splurge won't kill you. If you find yourself splurging a lot, really often, for some reason then you'll know that you have to rein yourself in. You're at the point with this disease to be able to control your numbers without medication and as long as you can do this, you're fine. You need to keep an eye on the rising numbers. If you see an upward trend, then you know you'd have to adjust your diet and maybe lifestyle of exercise. Sorry if this is confusing.