Hi Chili, I'm glad your husband is under a doctor's care. I know in the beginning it's confusing and maybe overwhelming but he has to think of this as a lifesaver. And limb saver. It will take a little time for him to get used to the meds but it's very important for him to keep testing his blood sugar and be consistent with eating meals. As his blood sugar comes down, he may feel strange but according to what others have written before, this is normal. His body will be adjusting to the lower blood sugar. The reason the doctor told him to cut out the carbs is because they are the culprits of high blood sugar. The more carbs he eats, the higher his blood sugar. If he follows what the doctors says, he will lose weight and have better blood sugar control. All this in turn may indeed mean less medication. I am type 2 and I was fortunate to get 'caught' by my doctor before my blood sugar went that high. Nevertheless, I have been able to lose 30 lbs because I cut out those carbs and because I also do exercise. This is what I eat: chicken, meats, fish, vegetables (but
not corn or potatoes), salads, cheese, nuts, some yogurt, real cream in my coffee (with artificial sweetener), some berries. He'll find that fruit like bananas and oranges may drive the blood sugar up. But until he gets his blood sugar lower to normal or near normal, I wouldn't advise him to try eating that now. If he can stay away from any food made with flour and sugar, he'll be on his way to better health. Honest.