Hi Rhonda, I feel it's really important to learn as much as we can about our health issues and coming here to HealingWell has been very informative for me. This is where the experiences of others can help us to know more about diabetes and when we look back over the posts from the past, we find lots of information about meds, diet, etc. Then, there's the 'conflict' of what we may encounter when we see the doctor or dietitian sometimes. The puzzlement is basically why the medical establishment advocates a diet high in carbs when it's the carbs that raise the blood sugar in the first place. Nutritionally, we can find what we need in other food, so we do not have to eat food made with flour or sugar. The problem some people have is they just can't see themselves giving up bread, cereal, waffles and the like. For me, when I considered how my blood sugar was affected, it was an easy choice. I do not want to take meds in order to eat whatever is placed in front of me. This is a personal committment though. So, you will make your own decisions about what you eat. With the blood sugar meter, you see exactly how you react to what food you eat.
As far as the vision, I don't know about problems being reversed. I know that vision problems can be halted with treatment. Glaucoma, retinopathy, and cataracts are associated with diabetes but only a thorough eye exam can tell what affects vision. There are medicines and procedures available. Good luck with your test!
(Rhonda, please check your email! Thanks.)