Sorry but, I didn't have the patience to get past tie-guy (I work with a 10 year old computer so it just annoys me that I can't shut him off like say, an embedded video would allow
. The three top-right header links would be better served as a drop-down lists; I'm afraid I didn't find them to be self-explanatory and don't like
opening another tab to find out. I won't sign up to be a member just to (possibly??) get information. There's too much readily available info out there for me to bother contending with slow processing videos and such. Not meaning to sound harsh, just my direct and honest opinion as you've asked.
Chris (TVEditor) & Jeannie's comments pretty well sum it up for me, too. I'm interested in the info. If it's not readily accessible on a home page, I don't usually drill down to find it. Personally, I like frames and embedded links for the ease with which they allow for info searching like you would pages in a book. I use new tabs/windows to
open links, so as not to use the back button so often (which redraws the page; starting the slow processing again.. yada, yada) and with a few
open, I didn't find there to be much info per page.
To be fair, I've long past the Newbie stage (where I might be looking for basic understanding of Diabetes and some tools to get me started) and the information that interests me at this point, leans more into medical textbooks, technical and research documents.
The site does seem to be directed to a particular audience - it's just not me.