Don't worry. Your numbers will go back down once your body "thinks" it has recovered from the knee surgery. I was walking after 3 days but I pushed it and it made things worse. I wound up having to take pt for 4 months instead of 1 month because I walked too soon for my knee. Just make sure you are doing everything the pt says to do.
As for your sugars--mine went up to 299 after cortisone shot and stayed that way for 2 weeks. If you are still in a lot of pain then your numbers will also be higher. If you are still concerned, you may want to talk again with your doctor.
jenna352 said...
Thanks :) dr doesn't know y I'm not walking pt saing my extention when bent is only 90 n while straight its a -12. I'm going on 3 weeks post op now. Sucks... dr said I was supposed to be walking with a week