After being in the hospital for my Heart Attack, I was told my Diabetes caused it and my A1C was 8.2 my A1C has always been close to 7 and my choleterol was 2.8, I have had problems with my stomach since probably February which I think accounts for my high A1C, they switched my insulin from Humilin N and R too Lantus and Novorapid, my question is this.
Lantus is a 24hr long acting same as Humilin N and is Novorapid just a faster acting Humilin R, my numbers are extremely high even when I was in the hospital, if I keep this up I am going to have another one (which I don't want)
I don't get to see my new Endocrinologist till Nov 7 instead of the same week I got out of the hospital, foul up on hospital part any suggestions