Good morning, Cat. First of all, you're not an 'old lady'. I'm 63 so you much younger than me.
Second of all, yes, you absolutely need those medications looked at: maybe the dosage and maybe a change to different ones. And maybe change of doctor if this one can't get it right! I'm serious. Is he an endocrinologist? Maybe you need one at this point - a specialist.
What's is the creamer? I use half and half, which is just milk and cream, no additives. If you look at the labels, you may find lots of carbs sneaking in there.
"Dangerous" blood sugar levels may vary by the person but in general organ damage can begin when levels are higher than 140 (variable) for a long time. And "a long time" can also vary depending on the person.
You already have neuropathy and the blood sugar levels you're writing about may be making it worse.
Read this link from a page in Blood Sugar 101:
The book I recommend is Diabetes Solution by Richard Bernstein. Bernstein has diabetes 1 himself and his whole book is dedicated to information about all types of diabetes, medications, control, weight, food, etc.